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In a nutshell, evisit is a visitor management system software that helps corporate organisations and residential estates keep track of people and items that enter the premises









The problem

The business had a version 1 that failed to scale due to problems with functionality, product offerings, aesthetics, to name a few and was only being used by one company.  The essential ability to request to visit, was absent.

My mission

The goal was to build to scale and increase conversion, by coming up with features useful to the business and users.

Success metrics

15% conversion

20% increase in users with companies such as commercio partners making use of the product

Reduced client development time with scalable components

My Approach

In order to come up with objective and scalable solutions, we began research to gain more clarity on the tasks at hand


Poor navigation

Poor aesthetics

The current site did not properly explain the existing product offerings

The was no platform for visitors to book their sessions

It was difficult to track and keep records of the visitors (they had an existing system where they created a repository of names only after the visit)

Demystifying the system

I did some research on existing platforms to better understand it, the users, and constraints and come up with feasible features that could be useful  to the business and consumers to be implemented for mvp given the time constraint.

I went forward building with the following in mind:

Building for corporate and residential organisations

Creating a mobile app for users to easily have access to the platform

Prioritising better features on the web

Improving the marketing site to increase conversion

Creating a mobile platform

Keeping in mind that i was building for corporate and residential organisations i had to consider features.


You could get started on the platform as a resident, corporate employee or visitor interchangeably


For MVP release we prioritised the corporate user to :

Clock in when you enter the premises

Accept or decline visit requests

View visit history

Blacklist a visitor if you no longer wanted them to be able to visit the premises

Generate and share personalized key that expires in 24 hours

Visit categorisation, standard for preregistered visitors, and walk in for visitors who come in without being registered prior


For MVP release we prioritised the resident user to have :

A repository of service persons in the estate

The ability to add your own servivce person to be vetted by admin

A community feature to view announcements and leave suggestions

A messenger feature where you could communicate with estate executives

Accept/decline requests

View history


Generate/store code

Improving the web portal

The existing portal only served as a repository to store visitors/employees  names. I had to come up with features that would encompass the product and aid the business.

Based on the time constraint and current user consumption, we optimised features for corporate organisations first


The employee or resident now has a full overview of all visits, they can also generate keys for entry right on the dashboard


See all your requests in one place with the option to accept, decline or reschedule

Reception and walk in

This is for visitors coming into the organisation, they clock in via the reception feature with their already generated codes and are tagged “standard”.

For a visitor coming in for the first time they go through a brief registration process and are tagged “walk-in”

Reports and Analytics

As an organisation, its important to keep track of company activity such as the nature of the visits, the volume of visits in certain time frame, the approval status, as well as the identities of all visitors and who they came in for

Employee Management

Oversee your employees in one place

A website lift

The newly designed website now optimised for

Video explainer

Showcasing product offerings

Showcasing the features

Testimonials from first users

An FAQ section that answered all questions raised

Why you should partner with evisit

Key takeaways

Visitor management systems are powerful tools that significantly improve the lives of businesses and home owners. I was thrilled to be part of the team creating and implementing this experience


Language- tone of voice

Designing for large organisations

Next steps

Designing the resident portal